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The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Early Penny

Originally compiled on the orders of King Alfred the Great, approximately A.D. 890, and subsequently maintained and added to by generations of anonymous scribes until the middle of the 12th Century. The original language is Anglo-Saxon (Old English), but later entries are essentially Middle English in tone.

Translation by Rev. James Ingram (London, 1823), with additional readings from the translation of Dr. J.A. Giles (London, 1847).

This electronic edition is free of copyright in the United States.

This electronic edition: Details, notes and bibliography

Ingram's introduction: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

The Chronicle (by years): [>A.D. 45] [46-199] [200-457] [458-500] [501-560] [561-603] [604-624] [625-639] [To follow] [To follow]


  • Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  • Bede
  • Gildas
  • Historia Brittonum
  • Confession of St Patrick
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  • End of Roman rule
  • Tribal Militias
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  • Post-Roman Britain
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  • Pagan Religions in Britain
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  • Post Roman Buidings
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  • 'Teutonic' England
  • Books

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  • Anglo-Saxon Books
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  • Early Welsh History

  • After Rome

    Arthur and the Kings of Britain: The Historical Truth Behind the Myths

    By Dr Miles Russell

    The chapters in this volume, each written by a leading scholar of the period, analyse in turn the different nationalities and kingdoms that existed in the British Isles from the end of the Roman empire to the coming of the Vikings, the process of conversion to Christianity, the development of art and of a written culture, and the interaction between this written culture and the societies of the day. Available from: - British pounds - US dollars - Canadian dollars - Euros - Euros

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